Some wiser men have boldly speculated, it takes approximately half the length of time of a relationship for one to truly get over it. Sadly for those in the spotlight, time is not such luxury. Especially for Rihanna who was entwined in “the Chris Brown thing” according to GQ, the girl had to step out and aired her pain through very public channels. For those who caught Diane Sawyer’s interview with Rihanna back in November, a little more than half a year after the tragic debacle, hip-hop’s most sympathized princess talked through her pain and came public with what happened that night when all fall through.
Now, with the release of her new album, many have discovered Rihanna’s sounds have changed. The princess isn’t just a good girl gone bad anymore. The good girl has matured and grown into one who knows better, or at least tried very hard to. Changing her image alongside her emotional self, Rihanna takes the same issues to GQ with a heartfelt interview and a very sexy photo shoot. Baring both body and soul, Rihanna dons little more than Balmain leather shorts and unbuttoned Charlotte Ronson catsuit, delivering a seductive, grown-up look with a freshly cropped do that has fast become another coveted Rihanna cut.
This feature comes as a timely release, as both GQ and Rihanna starts fresh for the new year. Check out the photos from the shoot and the interview which is now available for peruse online at GQ.
And really, the girl didn’t go bad, she just grew up.
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